Rock Concert and a Wedding
Probably the most exciting and memorable weekend in
Practicing in the Release Room
Kyung Mi, our lovely bass player.
On the way to the final rehearsal by taxi.
Ticket to the concert
I don’t think I have ever been so nervous in my life as I was the night before the concert. The only thing that kept me going the whole time was the fact that I would never have the same opportunity again. No other person I know, maybe no other person in my entire state has ever traveled abroad, started an international rock band, and played a gig in front of hundreds of Korean high school and college students (primarily women). When I grow up and have a family and kids, I can say that I went to another country where I didn’t speak the language, and did all these things…and I don’t think any level of stress is worth denying me that chance. It is not that I’m blessed…It is that I had the balls to do it. The same goes with coming to
Teaser Picture for future update: I'm pretty sure
this is a picture of me cooking and eating dog.
Enough preaching…so about the concert. We went to Queen Live Hall around 2:00 and started our rehearsal sound check. Afterwards, we had what was pessimistically named “The Last Supper” at a nearby Kimbap place. Then we returned to an already filling up music hall. I took some pictures with friends and then went backstage to prepare. After the first two bands played…both of which were very good…we went on stage. When we went on stage, there was a giant screen pulled down in front of us, so nobody knew. Sohee, the president of the club had made short photo slide shows of each band and its members. We were very touched by the slideshow…and I will try to put it online for everyone to see. As it played, we could hear many friends and Korean girls screaming. It was mind boggling. The second the screen started to move I lost all nervousness. I have never had so much fun in my life….and even though Lauri broke a string halfway into the first song, everything went well. We played and people sang along….at one point I even got the crowd clapping. I will never forget that concert, and I will never forget my friends who made it possible.

One of the bands before us...I really like this band a lot because
all of the members are my friends

And the curtain raises...

Our beautiful Finnish singer, Lauri Mikael Uusi-Hakala

Some guy playing a mediocre lead guitar
After the concert was the traditional Release party. This is off the record, but I am going to explain why Release is the coolest club ever. The Release club, full of the coolest Ewha girls who like rock and heavy metal music, uses its club fees and dues in three main ways: to pay for concerts, to pay for bars, and to pay for membership training trips (the next post) where you hang out all night camping in the woods. Basically, the night after the concert was one crazy party. Before I came to
Exhibit A: Korean response to crippled down before God
asking forgiveness for drinking one beer.
Three hours later “the next morning.” I woke up at 10:00 to get ready to go to Insadong for my traditional wedding. My wonderful buddy Sora had taken care of all of the arrangements and all I had to do was show up, put on clothes, and learned how to get married. I met my future wife in the subway. She was an exchange student from
Waiting oustide the tent with the ultracool Soomin
After getting ready with the super fantastic Sora
Then the public display began. Yes, my wedding was in the middle of a town square in Insadong with maybe…100 onlookers. The reason they have these mock weddings every so often there is because Insadong is a famous place for tourists to go because it is a very traditional town. It sells traditional goods and is near Gyeongbokgung so one can always find many foreigners there. After the public wedding, I then got to ride on a horse through the entire town and be the main spectacle in a large parade. I was the only one allowed to ride on a horse because I was the husband, and of course this got me thousands of stares. More often, however, people smiled or waved. It was also fun to shoot peace signs to high school girls on the side of the road and make them giggle. It was like money in the bank. One peace sign = one shy giggle. Definitely one of the coolest cultural events I have ever had the chance to take part in. Thanks go out to Sora, my friends who came to watch, and also my wife…where she is. Also, thanks to the town of
Something about a wooden duck and me bowing
My wife and I bowing to each other at the 'alter'
Symbolic of my wife and I at a young age
I mount the horse...incorrectly of course.

Squid, tortured, boiled, cut up, and eaten...all while alive...just how I like it.

and all I did this week was cheat on a Music test so I don't have to take the final...
3:53 am
I'm still confused on how you got they do this for all tourist??? @@ How was this arranged..I'm curious..
6:17 am
2:57 pm
well, they have the traditional wedding ceremony and parade a couple times each month. I think anyone can do it...but you have to reserve a month or more in advance. Thanks Sora!!!
5:08 pm
you didn't know ANYTHING about your wife before you married her....
hem! you had a wedding without inviting me. but I would be be upset if I wasn't invited to your real wedding. remember that!
11:56 am
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
5:04 pm
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