A turtle travels only when it sticks its neck out ~Korean Proverb


The Dorm

Welcome to the Heart of Conservative Korea: The Ewha Woman's University Dormitory

Hanwoori Hall

Above is a picture of my dorm from my balcony. What I've failed to show you is that off to the left a bit is the city of Seoul...hundreds of feet below.

Here is a picture of my dorm hall. The building is in the shape of a slightly bending H. All of the international students live in the lower left leg, the Soseul residents (graduate students) live in the upper left part, and ewha girls live in both the upper and lower right side.

Here is a picture of the entrance to my room. I should note that the lower area in the foreground is for shoes. You should note how this picture symbolizes my fitting in with Korean culture.

Thank goodness they had the foresight to provide foreign students with adequatly sized bathroom shoes.

So here is a sign on the door that connects the Ewha woman's dorm to the International House. This is the most straightforward and comprensible sign in all of Seoul.

The traditional tea room on my floor...

...complete with a large LCD screen and surround sound.

Of course, in a women's school that focuses on equal rights, men are not allowed to use the elevators. Our elevators are right next to the elevators for coloured people (or folk as they are called back home).

Even basic necessities of men's lives have been taken and stripped from them...These women have german aggression...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pictures, Bri! :D

11:01 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So... they have different elevators for asian, white and black? that's a little extreme..... :?

12:39 pm

Blogger Brian said...

lol, nah... I was just making a joke. I just find it funny how all the signs here have only women figures in there...in fact, I kind of like the change :)

7:18 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your pictures Brian - they look like really nice dorm rooms (LCD?!?!) You're well taken care of over there (maybe except for the bathroom and slippers part) Your feet are too big!

1:05 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

seems like korea fits you like a glove Brian. I hope you are enjoying your education there.


2:21 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before you leave, you HAVE to steal that sign. I'll pay you lots of money for it. :D

6:30 am


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